Gabriel Pallier

Université de Lille
Faculté des sciences et Tehnologies
Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, UMR 8524

Office: M2 302

E-mail: name.surname A


Lille Geometry and Dynamics seminar.


Since September 2023, I am an assistant professor (maître de conférence) in the mathematics department of the university of Lille. My PhD thesis was realized with Prof. Pierre Pansu in the Université Paris-Sud (now Paris-Saclay) in 2019. It was motivated by the work and questions of Yves Cornulier.

Here is an academic family picture.


Interests I work in geometric group theory, using tools coming from geometric analysis in the broad sense (i.e., on metric spaces). The main objects that I study are Lie groups and their lattices. Here is a short version of an old research statement.


Papers (published, accepted or to appear)

  1. [PDF (31p), arXiv] with Enrico Le Donne et Xiangdong Xie, Rough similarity of left-invariant Riemannian metrics on some Lie groups, Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics.
  2. [PDF (51p), arXiv, journal, BibTex] On the logarithmic coarse structures of Lie groups and hyperbolic spaces, Geom. Dedicata 216, 56 (2022).
  3. Some of the numbers of the references in the printed version are wrong, they are correct on the preprint version.
  4. [PDF (64p), arXiv, journal, BibTex] with Claudio Llosa Isenrich and Romain Tessera, Cone-equivalent nilpotent groups with different Dehn functions, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 126 (2), 704-789 (2023).
  5. [PDF (33p), arXiv, journal, BibTex] Sublinear quasiconformality and the large-scale geometry of Heintze groups, Conform. Geom. Dyn. 24, 131-163 (2020).
  6. [PDF (42p), arXiv, journal, BibTex] Large-scale sublinearly Lipschitz geometry of hyperbolic spaces, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 19 (6), 1831-1876 (2020).


Some selected presentations and posters

  • [slides] Quasi-isometries and rough isometries of solvable Lie groups (Heidelberg, Geometry day, 2023)
  • [slides] Sublinear coarse structures and Lie groups (YGGT Lightning talk, 2021)
  • [notes, Slides] Dehn functions of nilpotent groups
  • [slides (long)] Géométrie à grande échelle des groupes de Lie de courbure négative (Marseille, 2019).
  • [slides (short)] Sublinearly quasisymmetric homeomorphisms (Jyväskylä, 2019).
  • [poster] Large-scale sublinearly Lipschitz geometry of hyperbolic spaces (Rennes 2017)
  • [poster] Invariants for sublinear bilipschitz equivalence (Oxford 2019).

Some presentations of my research to a general mathematical audience

Reviews for Zentralblatt and Mathematical Reviews (the latter requires access to MathSciNet).

Translation and notes on P. Pansu's Carnot-Carathéodory metrics and quasiisometries of rank one symmetric spaces.

Online reading seminar on the works of Kleiner, Müller and Xie (February- April 2023), co-organized with Francesca Tripaldi.


Almost all the teaching material I produced is available only in French and can be found on the French version of this webpage.

Other mathematical writings

Includes some writings in French.


Geodesic flow on a homogeneous space

Uniform polyhedra and polytopes

Nilpotent Lie algebras of small dimension

Last update: January 2024.