
Gabriel Pallier

Université de Lille
Faculté des sciences et Tehnologies
Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, UMR 8524

Office: M2 302

E-mail: name.surname A


Lille Geometry and Dynamics seminar.


Since September 2023, I am an assistant professor (maître de conférences) in the mathematics department of the university of Lille. My PhD thesis was realized with Prof. Pierre Pansu in the Université Paris-Sud (now Paris-Saclay) in 2019. It was motivated by the work and questions of Yves Cornulier.

Here is an academic family picture.


Interests I work in geometric group theory, using tools coming from geometric analysis in the broad sense (i.e., on metric spaces). The main objects that I study are Lie groups and their lattices. Here is a short version of an old research statement.


Published, accepted or to appear

  1. [PDF (24p), arXiv] with Yulan Qing, Sublinear bilipschitz equivalence and sublinearly Morse boundaries,
    J. Lond. Math. Soc., II. Ser. 110, No. 2, 26 p. (2024)
  2. [PDF (31p), arXiv] with Enrico Le Donne and Xiangdong Xie, Rough similarity of left-invariant Riemannian metrics on some Lie groups,
    Groups, Geom., Dyn. (to appear)
  3. [PDF (51p), arXiv, journal, BibTex] On the logarithmic coarse structures of Lie groups and hyperbolic spaces,
    Geom. Dedicata 216, 56 (2022).
  4. [PDF (64p), arXiv, journal, BibTex] with Claudio Llosa Isenrich and Romain Tessera, Cone-equivalent nilpotent groups with different Dehn functions,
    Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 126 (2), 704-789 (2023).
  5. [PDF (33p), arXiv, journal, BibTex] Sublinear quasiconformality and the large-scale geometry of Heintze groups,
    Conform. Geom. Dyn. 24, 131-163 (2020).
  6. [PDF (42p), arXiv, journal, BibTex] Large-scale sublinearly Lipschitz geometry of hyperbolic spaces,
    J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 19 (6), 1831-1876 (2020).


Some selected presentations and posters

  • [slides] Quasi-isometries and rough isometries of solvable Lie groups (Heidelberg, Geometry day, 2023)
  • [slides] Sublinear coarse structures and Lie groups (YGGT Lightning talk, 2021)
  • [notes, Slides] Dehn functions of nilpotent groups
  • [slides (long)] Géométrie à grande échelle des groupes de Lie de courbure négative (Marseille, 2019).
  • [slides (short)] Sublinearly quasisymmetric homeomorphisms (Jyväskylä, 2019).
  • [poster] Large-scale sublinearly Lipschitz geometry of hyperbolic spaces (Rennes 2017)
  • [poster] Invariants for sublinear bilipschitz equivalence (Oxford 2019).

Some presentations of my research to a general mathematical audience

Reviews for Zentralblatt and Mathematical Reviews (the latter requires access to MathSciNet).

Translation and notes on P. Pansu's Carnot-Carathéodory metrics and quasiisometries of rank one symmetric spaces.

Online reading seminar on the works of Kleiner, Müller and Xie (February- April 2023), co-organized with Francesca Tripaldi.


Almost all the teaching material I produced is available only in French and can be found on the French version of this webpage.

Other mathematical writings

Includes some writings in French.


Geodesic flow on a homogeneous space

Uniform polyhedra and polytopes

Nilpotent Lie algebras of small dimension

Last update: October 12, 2024.